I am using eCognition Developer Trial 8.0. I have rgb Drone Otho foto. We want to classify this image for various biotope types exist in that region. We have already an existing classification as a thematic layer that contains at least 100 of classes.

My primary idea was to classify based on TTA mask. So that I donot need to assign it by hand. I have genererated TTA mask using this solution.

I do not have any idea if it is possible to classify the whole area/image based on TTA mask or how it works. You can take a look of my data screenshots: enter image description here

  • 1
    Yes, you can. When you load the TTA mask, classes will be added Class hierarchy with samples assigned by TTA mask. You can select them to perform a classification. Obviously, you need to perform a multi-resolution segmentation or another kind of segmentation first. Also, select object properties to extract response and so on
    – aldo_tapia
    Commented May 9, 2018 at 11:44

1 Answer 1


Now I got the process diagram of doing image classification using TTA Mask in eCognition.

step 1: Multiresolution segmentation to generate objects

step 2: loading TTA mask for classification:

  • Classification--> Samples--> Load TTA Mask
  • You can control viewing TTA Mask or image layer using view settings.

step 3: create samples for NN Classification:

  • Classification--> Samples--> Create Samples from TTA Mask

step 4: Select classes for NN: - Classification--> Nearest Neighbor--> Apply Standard NN to Classes--> all/some you want

step 5: process tree--> Classification-->level1--> filter(none)--> used class->all including unclassified

I hope it would also help others who have a similiar question.

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