I'm trying to use Python to join a table to a vector layer within QGIS (v. 3.2.0)
Here is the script I use :
>>>root = QgsProject.instance().layerTreeRoot()
>>>ids = root.findLayerIds()
>>>print ("target :",target.id())
target : du_fl_pts_e154c28b_4812_41a2_9a78_bf95b7a97926
>>>print("Layer to join :",layerToJoin.id())
Layer to join : TAXREF_9ab461d0_81d1_4095_b1d0_dce90b20600e
>>>lien = QgsVectorLayerJoinInfo()
>>>lien.targetFieldName = 'CD_REF'
>>>lien.joinLayerId = ids[0]
>>>lien.joinFieldName = 'CD_NOM'
But after the execution of this script, I have no join on my target layer.
Interesting fact : when I test the same script on the same layers/tables on QGIS 2.18.21 (just changing QgsProject -> QgsMapLayerRegistry and QgsVectorLayerJoinInfo -> QgsVectorJoinInfo) the join works.
Any idea why this doesn't work on QGIS 3?