I'm generating an image from QgsComposer composition through QgsLayoutExporter.exportToImage() method that allows saving the image to disk.

I wonder if there is any way to get image binary data into a variable?

I need to send this image later to a server to process, so I don't need a physical file at all. One way would be saving the file in /tmp and then deleting, but it requires unnecessary interaction with HDD and looks ugly.

I tried to find another solution using eg. generating an image from mapCanvas, but similarly, they provide only saving data to a file.

I'm using QGIS API ( 3.3.0-Master)

2 Answers 2


There's QgsLayoutExporter.renderPageToImage. This returns a QImsge object. Depending on your requirements, the QImage API can be used to transform the image into the required format.

  • Thanks for response. I tried getting QImage as you suggested, but I think I cannot export it to valid bytes variable. I tried my_qimage.bits() but couldn't read it into Reportlab's Image object (what I do through BytesIO(my_bytes_data)). Is it the right way to convert to bytes? I need it so I can send data over sockets.
    – adamczi
    Commented Aug 10, 2018 at 18:16

To generate buffer object with image, I ended up with a snippet like this on QGIS side:

# Open pre-prepared QGIS .qpt Composer file which consists of map image only
composition_path = 'path to qpt file'
with open(composition_path, 'rt') as f:
    content = f.read()

doc = QDomDocument()
c = QgsLayout(QgsProject().instance())
c.loadFromTemplate(doc, QgsReadWriteContext())

# Get the map item from Composer and set it's extent
map_item = getLayoutItemById(c, 'map', QgsLayoutItemMap)

# Export PNG to a buffer of QBuffer type
exporter = QgsLayoutExporter(c)
buffer = QBuffer()
image = exporter.renderPageToImage(0)
image.save(buffer, 'PNG')

# Send payload like this to the server
payload = {

This was not included in question, but if anyone wonders what can you do with the object, on the server side I would load it into PIL image like this:

image_data = payload.get('map_image')
map_image = BytesIO()
).save(map_image, format='PNG')
# now do whatever with the PIL object, like create a PDF where map is an element

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