I am new to QGIS (Version 3.2.2) and basically what I want to archive is to load OSM data and apply my own map style to it. However once I have defined my style I would also like to be able to load new OSM data and instantly select the same features (roads, rails, etc.) and apply my custom style.
The workflow I have come up so far is:
- load the data according to https://gis.stackexchange.com/a/101746/120164
- creating my style by creating layers, which I do as follows:
- connect to the database
- expand the database in the browser
- double click on the type of features I want in my new layer (points, lines, polygons, etc.)
- add a filter to the new layer, so only features with the key/tag I want are in the layer
From a software developers point of view, I would now just switch the database connection and the queries could be applied to another database and so a map of another region would be rendered without having to do much. However it seems that the layers are somehow linked to the database.
Is there an easy way to just take the style/selection of features and apply it to other mapdata?