I have read in several places that the best way to create a buffer around a vector point is using the MMQGIS plugin.
I want to create buffers in London locations within a few metres of each other which meant that Vector > Geoprocessing tools > Buffer
is not accurate enough using decimal degrees.
I've downloaded MMQGIS and I understand how it works in principle, however when I create my buffer, even of only 1km it ends up sitting as one big lump west of South Africa and not in London.
I have checked the CRS for each of my layers which is WGS84 (EPSG:3857). I need to use this as I'm working with a unique historic map which has been formatted to this CRS.
When I checked my project CRS (Project > Properties > CRS
) the project is set to Generated CRS (User:100000). I changed the CRS to WGS 84, but this just warped the map and the buffer was still west of South Africa. I have therefore changed the project CRS back to Generated CRS.
Could anyone explain to me the MMGIS fields and where I may be going wrong?
Or an alternative programme I could use to get my buffers down to metre accuracy?
I'm quite IT literate, but coding etc is a little beyond me.
I am working with QGIS3.2.3-Bonn on Mac.