I have a table in ArcCatalog named WorkOrderAss.

This table contains 3 columns: (OBJECTID, FeatureName, Name).

I want to insert data to this table from the code behind in C#.

Any help would be appreciated.

  • 4
    Is this table in SDE, file geodatabase?
    – CaptDragon
    Commented Jul 26, 2012 at 13:36
  • 1
    Yes, it is SDE.
    – IBRA
    Commented Jul 26, 2012 at 13:44

2 Answers 2

public void Irow(ITable table, string nameOfFrstField , string nameofSecField) {

            int fieldFrstIndex = table.FindField(nameOfFrstField);
            int fieldSecIndex = table.FindField(nameofSecField);
            //insert row
            IRow row = table.CreateRow();
            //initalize all of the default field values for the new row.
            IRowSubtypes rowSubTypes = (IRowSubtypes)row;
            row.set_Value(fieldFrstIndex, "Value1");
            row.set_Value(fieldSecIndex, "Value2");

For better performance, consider using IRowBuffer and an insert cursor with client-side buffering enabled (e.g. pass in true for the useBuffering parameter of the ITable.Insert method).

See "Using insert cursors" in the Creating features help topic for more info.

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