I'm trying to combine multiple "strips" of imagery into a single mosaic. Each of these strips is composed of many .tif files, and I have a directory with multiple subdirectories, each which contains one of these strips (big group of .tif files). The .tif files within any one of these strips do not overlap, but the strips themselves do overlap to varying degrees.
According to GeoServer's documentation, I should be able to point the ImageMosaic data store at the root directory to combine several strips. The exact overlap (I think) would be determined by the merge behavior parameter in the layer configuration, as well as the granule sorting parameter. So far, however, every attempt to mosaic all these strips' worth of .tif files together has failed, resulting in a blank image. I'm ultimately wanting to serve this mosaic with a WMTS - and the tiles do get "created" - but they're completely blank. I can request them, and I get an all-white image.
This happens whether I let GeoServer auto-create the shapefile index and properties file, or I make them myself.
I CAN get any of the individual strips' constituent .tif files to mosaic together, and I can serve those images via WMTS. The problem only occurs when trying to merge overlapping bundles of images. If I run the WMTS into ArcMap, zooming way out reveals nothing, while zooming in to certain areas seems to reveal a few actual tiles. I'm guessing there are the areas in which there were no overlapping pixels at all.
My only guess is that without a specific parameter in the shapefile index to reference for granule sorting, GeoServer just decides to serve up nothing in a given area. However, I did make my own ShapeFile index with an arbitrary ranking parameter to test whether I could get the sorting to work and imagery to show up. Still a no go.
Has anyone here had success with mosaicking overlapping imagery? Something major I'm missing?