I have two ImageCollections one from Sentinel-1 and the other from Sentinel-2. From S-2 i derive the NDVI. I want to add the NDVI band from the S2 Collection to the Sentinel-1 ImageCollection with the closest date. How can i do this?
1 Answer
There are several ways to achive that. I would do that like this:
// map over the sentinel 1 collection
var appendNDViband = s1_grd_iw_vv_des.map(function(image){
var dateS1 = ee.Number(image.get('system:time_start'));
// map over the sentinel 2 collection
var appendAbsDifference = s2_cf_ndvi.select('NDVI').map(function(image){
var dateS2 = ee.Number(image.get('system:time_start'));
return image.set('absDifference', dateS2.subtract(dateS1).abs());
// calculate the image with the least absolute time difference
var minDifference = appendAbsDifference.sort('absDifference').first();
return image.addBands(minDifference)
.set('propsS2', minDifference.toDictionary(minDifference.propertyNames().add('system:time_start')));
print('Sentinel-1 with NDVI band', appendNDViband);
Note that there will be differences in geometry and projection you will run into. Moreover, Sentinel 2 images are divided into MGRS tiles, you probably want to merge following this example.