Using arcpy with slightly modified code from created by Felix Creating parallel line in ArcGIS Pro using ArcPy I made four parallel lines. I then used arcpy.AddXY_management to extract the vertices from the four lines. Up to here, all is good. My problem is controlling or modifying the sequence of which arcpy.AddXY_management assigns FID. Below is a simple version. Here is a subset of the full version. .
It is hard to depict and explain, but I want to be able to control which point is FID=0 and have sequence proceeded snake-wise. For example, start at the upper right point go down the line to the next point, move one point left, go up to the point across the line, move left to the next point down the line to the next point, and then left again ( lower left point) and then back up across the line. The goal is to create feature points with an FID order for like a lawnmower or a tractor.