Based on the example mentioned here, and based on the answer provided below,
// Define a FeatureCollection: regions of the American West.
var regions = ee.FeatureCollection([
ee.Feature( // San Francisco.
ee.Geometry.Rectangle(-122.45, 37.74, -122.4, 37.8), {label: 'City'}),
ee.Feature( // Tahoe National Forest.
ee.Geometry.Rectangle(-121, 39.4, -120.8, 39.8), {label: 'Forest'}),
ee.Feature( // Black Rock Desert.
ee.Geometry.Rectangle(-119.15, 40.8, -119, 41), {label: 'Desert'})
// Load Landsat 8 brightness temperature data for 1 year.
var temps2013 = ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC8_L1T_32DAY_TOA')
.filterDate('2012-12-25', '2013-12-25')
// Collect region, image, value triplets.
var triplets = {
reducer: ee.Reducer.mean(),
scale: 30
}).filter(ee.Filter.neq('mean', null))
.map(function(f) {
return f.set('imageId',;
// Format a table of triplets into a 2D table of rowId x colId.
var format = function(table, rowId, colId) {
// Get a FeatureCollection with unique row IDs.
var rows = table.distinct(rowId);
// Join the table to the unique IDs to get a collection in which
// each feature stores a list of all features having a common row ID.
var joined = ee.Join.saveAll('matches').apply({
primary: rows,
secondary: table,
condition: ee.Filter.equals({
leftField: rowId,
rightField: rowId
return {
// Get the list of all features with a unique row ID.
var values = ee.List(row.get('matches'))
// Map a function over the list of rows to return a list of
// column ID and value.
.map(function(feature) {
feature = ee.Feature(feature);
return [feature.get(colId), feature.get('mean')];
// Return the row with its ID property and properties for
// all matching columns IDs storing the output of the reducer.
// The Dictionary constructor is using a list of key, value pairs.
var link = '6430802a354ca3e5d5267718173afac7';
var table1 = format(triplets, 'imageId', 'label');
var desc1 = 'table_demo_' + link;
collection: table1,
description: desc1,
fileNamePrefix: desc1,
fileFormat: 'CSV'
is there no simpler way to get a table of a time series from multiple polygons?
But I don't know, I find it bizarre that there is no simple way to get a table, as this example below where ui.Chart.image.seriesByRegion could be replace by a specific function ?
// Define a FeatureCollection: regions of the American West.
var regions = ee.FeatureCollection([
ee.Feature( // San Francisco.
ee.Geometry.Rectangle(-122.45, 37.74, -122.4, 37.8), {label: 'City'}),
ee.Feature( // Tahoe National Forest.
ee.Geometry.Rectangle(-121, 39.4, -120.8, 39.8), {label: 'Forest'}),
ee.Feature( // Black Rock Desert.
ee.Geometry.Rectangle(-119.15, 40.8, -119, 41), {label: 'Desert'})
var modis = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/006/MOD11A1');
var modisLST = modis.filterBounds(regions)
.filterDate('2003-12-25', '2004-02-25')
// Convert temperature to Celsius.
modisLST ={
return img.multiply(0.02).subtract(273.15).copyProperties(img, ['system:time_start'])
// Create a graph of the time-series.
var graph = ui.Chart.image.seriesByRegion({
imageCollection: modisLST,
regions: fc2,
reducer: ee.Reducer.mean()
I'm working on thousands of points and try to avoid the Chart output 5 and it's even not working since out of limits.