I have code that generates NDVI times series chart. The values are with 3 decimal places. I want to increase the decimal places to 4 or 5. Is there a way of doing that?
My code:
// Load raster data (COPERNICUS/S2_SR).
// Load vector data (shapefile).
var fc = ee.FeatureCollection(user_account+folder+shpfile_name).sort('Group');
var S2 = ee.ImageCollection(image_collection)
.filterDate(first_date, last_date)
.filterMetadata('CLOUDY_PIXEL_PERCENTAGE', 'less_than', 18);
print(fc) // CRS must be WGS84 (for the shapefile)
//Image Expression for calculating NDVI----------------------------------------------
var band_1 = 'B4'
var band_2 = 'B8'
var addNDVI = function(image) {
var NDVI = image.expression(
'B4': image.select('B4'),
'B8': image.select('B8'),
//NDVI index
return image.addBands(NDVI.add(ee.Image(0.0)));
//Add 0.0 value to NDVI (currently not in use)
// Calculate NDVIfor images in the Image collection
var S2_withNDVI = ee.ImageCollection(S2).map(addNDVI);
//Export NDVI Time Series into a Scatter Chart and a CSV format
TimeSeries = Chart.image.seriesByRegion(
S2_withNDVI, fc, ee.Reducer.mean(), 'NDVI', 3, 'system:time_start', fc_ID)
title: 'NDVI Time Series For '+ Name,
vAxis: {title: 'NDVI', format: 'Decimal'},
hAxis: {title: 'Date'},
lineWidth: 1,
pointSize: 4,
series: {
/ Display.
// Compute 3X3 standard deviation kernel (SD) as texture of the NDVI.
var addTexture_3X3_stdDev = function(image) {
var texture = image.select('NDVI').reduceNeighborhood({
reducer: ee.Reducer.stdDev(),
kernel: ee.Kernel.square(1),
return image.addBands(texture.add(ee.Image(0.0)));
var S2_Analysis = ee.ImageCollection(S2_withNDVI).map(addTexture_3X3_stdDev);
//Export 3X3 kernel NDVI stdDev Time Series into a Scatter Chart and a CSV format
var TimeSeries = Chart.image.seriesByRegion(
S2_Analysis, fc, ee.Reducer.mean(), 'NDVI_3X3_stdDev', 3, 'system:time_start', fc_ID)
title: 'NDVI 3X3 stdDev kernel Time Series For Corn Field'+ Name,
vAxis: {title: 'stdDev', format: 'Decimal'},
hAxis: {title: 'Date'},
lineWidth: 1,
pointSize: 4,
series: {
// Display.