With the following code I am trying to produce a NDVI graph with the days of the year on the x axis (based on this example, 2nd graph).
var modisNDVI = ee.ImageCollection ('MODIS/MCD43A4_006_NDVI');
var modiscollection = ee.ImageCollection (modisNDVI.filterDate('2007-05-01','2011-09-30'));
var clip=modiscollection.mean().clip(region);
var chart = ui.Chart.image.doySeriesByYear(
clip, 'NDVI', region, ee.Reducer.mean(), 500);
Map.addLayer (clip, {min:0.0,max:1,palette:['FFFFFF','CC9966','CC9900','996600','33CC00','009900','006600','000000']},'NDVI');
From this, I get the following error and as a new user, I can't understand it.
P.S. For the region I just draw a polygon
Error :
Collection.first: Error in map(ID=0):
Date: Parameter 'value' is required.