I'm using a tool called "Wikivoyage Districitifier" to visualize OSM boundary relations. The query below is supposed to get all relations with certain admin_level
values within a defined bounding box from OSM.
For Sydney it works perfectly okay (Overpass turbo):
[out:json][timeout:60];(relation[admin_level](if:(t["admin_level"] >= 5 &&t["admin_level"] <= 11))["wikidata"](-33.86400143885985,151.2000692923067,-33.85388041541516,151.21772895646075););out body;>;out skel qt;
For Auckland, the following query returns an empty result, which Wikivoyage Districitifier obviously is unable to process, as it only reports an error message: "Bounds are not valid". Overpass turbo):
[out:json][timeout:60];(relation[admin_level](if:(t["admin_level"] >= 5 &&t["admin_level"] <= 11))["wikidata"](-37.025032151631635,174.4815813201933,-36.71301768775455,175.04669057312287););out body;>;out skel qt;
Does anybody know what I do wrong?
tag, hence there's no result. If you're getting some error message, always clearly state how to reproduce them.