The short answer is yes.
here is some code that should work in 10.0 and previous.
Grant it doesn't exactly use an alternate field but shortens the word.
I figure you might be able to recreate it with the loop you need.
Function FindLabel ( [Name] )
Dim strArray
Dim outStr
Dim x
Dim maxWordLength
Dim minLengthLength
Dim everyother
Dim isFirst
Dim lastWordLong
lastWordLong = false
maxWordLength = 10
minWordLength = 3
everyother = False
isFirst = True
strArray = Split( [Name], " ")
For x = 0 To UBound(strArray)
If ((Not isFirst) And (Len(strArray(x)) <= minWordLength)) Then
'keep short word on existing line
outStr = outStr & " " & strArray(x)
everyother = False
ElseIf (everyother) Then
'word x is slated to be second word on line
If (Len(strArray(x)) > maxWordLength) Then
outStr = outStr & vbNewLine & strArray(x)
everyother = False
outStr = outStr & " " & strArray(x)
everyother = False
End If
'word x is slated to be first word on line
If (isFirst) Then
outStr = strArray(x)
everyother = True
isFirst = False
If (Len(strArray(x)) > maxWordLength) Then
lastWordLong = True
everyother = False
lastWordLong = False
everyother = True
End If
outStr = outStr & vbNewLine & strArray(x)
End If
End If
FindLabel = outStr
End Function
I didn't write it but inherited a map with that vbscript in it.