I'm new to QGIS. I'm currently using the newest version-- 3.10. I downloaded a raster projection (a tiff file) and vector data (SHP files of coastlines and rivers) from Natural Earth I to import as layers into QGIS. These opened correctly.
Then I downloaded several Plate Caree (WGS 84) projections from NASA Visible Earth and Natural Earth III. I could not find GeoTiff versions, so these are JPEGs. [On the Natural Earth III website it did have a folder with georeference data-- a text file and .tfw file.] I've tried two methods for Georeferencing these:
- Using the pulldown menus: Raster > Conversion > Translate (Convert Format).. I selected Plate Caree. It appeared to work correctly, but when I added the vector layer with rivers, the vector layer appears tiny compared to the Natural Earth layer.
- I used the 'Georeferencer' plug-in. It took a long time, and I still was not sure if I had done it correctly. This time when I tried opening the Rivers Vector layer, I could not see that layer at all.
Is there a way to quickly and accurately georeference a world map that is in JPEG form if you know the CRS?
NASA and NOAA mainly use Plate Caree, so is there a way I can tell QGIS that is the map I am using, so it accept the CRS?