I want to add a border color to the icons in OpenLayers. I also, want to be able to change the color of this border depending on the attribute of the marker. Is there any easy way to do this? The code below allows you to click the icon and make a border color appear. However, I want the color to be their from the beginning and not depend on the clicks. Also, I want it to change depending on the variable. If anyone has any idea please let me know.
class MapComponent implements OnInit {
iconVectorSource: VectorSource;
iconVectorLayer: VectorLayer;
iconArr: Feature[] = [];
constructor() { }
ngOnInit() {
this.map = new Map({
target: 'map',
view: new View({
projection: 'EPSG:4326',
center: [114.190750, 22.339914],
zoom: 12,
minZoom: 12,
new TileLayer({
source: new OSM()
public addIcons(){
let icon1 = new Feature({
geometry: new Point([114.190750, 22.339914]),
imgSrc: 'assets/purple.png',
icon1.set('style',this.createStyle(icon1.get('imgSrc'), undefined));
this.iconVectorSource = new VectorSource({
features: this.iconArr,
wrapX: false,
//creates a layer and use the source in the layer
this.iconVectorLayer = new VectorLayer({
source: this.iconVectorSource,
style: function(feature){
return feature.get('style');
public addSelect(){
var select = new Select({
style: function(feature) {
var image = feature.get('style').getImage().getImage();
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
var activeColor = "red"; //set border color
var dArr = [-1,-1, 0,-1, 1,-1, -1,0, 1,0, -1,1, 0,1, 1,1], // offset array
s = 2, // thickness scale
i = 0, // iterator
x = 2, // final x position
y = 2; // final y position
//set new canvas dimentions adjusted for border
canvas.width = image.width + s + s;
canvas.height = image.height + s + s;
// draw images at offsets from the array scaled by s
for(; i < dArr.length; i += 2)
ctx.drawImage(image, x + dArr[i]*s, y + dArr[i+1]*s);
// fill with color
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "source-in";
ctx.fillStyle = activeColor;
ctx.fillRect(0,0,canvas.width, canvas.height);
// draw original image in normal mode
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over";
ctx.drawImage(image, x, y,image.width, image.height);
//create new openlayers icon style from canvas
return new Style({
image: new Icon(/** @type {olx.style.IconOptions} */ ({
crossOrigin: 'anonymous',
src: undefined,
img: canvas,
imgSize: canvas ? [canvas.width, canvas.height] : undefined
public createStyle(src, img) {
return new Style({
image: new Icon(/** @type {olx.style.IconOptions} */ ({
crossOrigin: 'anonymous',
src: src,
img: img,
imgSize: img ? [img.width, img.height] : undefined