I am trying to calculate in Google Earth Engine using ERA5 the monthly 2mt temperature anomalies from January to December 2018 compared to the long-term reference period of 1981-2010. In other words, I would like to compare the temp anomaly of January 2018 with January of the long-term period. Finally, I would like to create a and create a time-lapse video from January to December 2018. As a starting point, I am using the "Iterating over an ImageCollection" code example, but I don't get it working properly with the ERA5 data.

link to the code and the code.

// Load era5
var era5_2mt = ee.ImageCollection('ECMWF/ERA5/MONTHLY')
               .map(function (image){
                return image.clip(geometry);

// Define reference conditions from the first 30 years of data.
var eraref = era5_2mt.filterDate('1980-01-01', '2010-12-31')
  // Sort chronologically in descending order.
.sort('system:time_start', false);

// Compute the mean of the first 30 years.
var mean = eraref.mean();

// Compute anomalies by subtracting the 1980-2010 mean from each image 
in a
// collection of 2018 images. Copy the date metadata over to the
// computed anomaly images in the new collection.
var series = era5_2mt.filterDate('2018-01-01', '2018-12- 
31').map(function(image) {
    return image.subtract(mean).set('system:time_start', 
var series2 = series.map(function(img){
    return img.clip(geometry);

// Display cumulative anomalies.
Map.setCenter(-4.12, 39.834, 5);
    {min: -50, max: 50, palette: ['blue','white','red']}, 'Temp 2mt 

// Get the timestamp from the most recent image in the reference 
var time0 = eraref.first().get('system:time_start');

// Use imageCollection.iterate() to make a collection of cumulative 
anomaly over time.
// The initial value for iterate() is a list of anomaly images already 
// The first anomaly image in the list is just 0, with the time0 
var first = ee.List([
// Rename the first band 'temp'.
  ee.Image(0).set('system:time_start', time0).select([0], ['temp'])

// This is a function to pass to Iterate().
// As anomaly images are computed, add them to the list.
var accumulate = function(image, list) {
 // Get the latest cumulative anomaly image from the end of the list 
  // get(-1).  Since the type of the list argument to the function is 
  // it needs to be cast to a List.  Since the return type of get() is 
  // cast it to Image.
  var previous = ee.Image(ee.List(list).get(-1));
  // Add the current anomaly to make a new cumulative anomaly image.
  var added = image.add(previous)
    // Propagate metadata to the new image.
    .set('system:time_start', image.get('system:time_start'));
  // Return the list with the cumulative anomaly inserted.
  return ee.List(list).add(added);

// Create an ImageCollection of cumulative anomaly images by 
// Since the return type of iterate is unknown, it needs to be cast to 
a List.
var cumulative = ee.ImageCollection(ee.List(series.iterate(accumulate, 

// Predefine the chart titles.
var title = {
  title: 'Cumulative Temp anomaly over time',
  hAxis: {title: 'Time'},
  vAxis: {title: 'Cumulative Temp anomaly'},

// Chart some interesting locations.
//var pt1 = ee.Geometry.Point(-8.669, 41.187);
//Chart.image.series(cumulative, pt1, ee.Reducer.first(), 

1 Answer 1


Issue is in the start date for computing reference conditions from the first 30 years of data (it computes wrong means). In spite of Dataset Availability of ERA5 Monthly aggregates is 1979-01-01 to present, your script run without any error if your reference conditions are changed for 25 years of data or less (e.g. between '1986-01-01' and '2010-12-31').

Your modified code can be ran here.

After running it, result is observed in following image. It worked!

enter image description here

  • Many thanks for that. Do you have any idea how I could estimate the Monthly Anomaly? i.e. my output will be 12 images (January to Decembre) showing the anomaly compared to each month of the reference period. Does it make sense?
    – Ana
    Commented Feb 3, 2020 at 12:12

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