I am attempting to detect fires using MODIS thermal anomaly data (MODIS/006/MYD14A1) on Corsica island, and the code I am using below produces a suitable fire mask. I am a bit inexperienced with this, and am unsure what the different pixel colours correspond to (any information relating to pixel colours online is evading me).
Also, when I attempt to export the image to drive I am getting an error message in the Tasks tab: Error: Image.clipToBoundsAndScale, argument 'input': Invalid type. Expected type: Image. Actual type: ImageCollection.
var site = ee.Geometry.Point(9.41, 42.81);
var aoi = ee.Geometry.Rectangle(9.317758730652592, 42.86545558133746, 9.504869631531498, 42.77429487610457);
Map.centerObject(aoi, 11);
// Mid Fire period
var midStart =ee.Date('2017-08-08');
var midEnd =ee.Date('2017-08-24');
//MODIS images of the site,
var midfireimage = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/006/MYD14A1')
Map.addLayer(midfireimage, {bands: ['MaxFRP', 'FireMask', 'FireMask'], min:0.0, max:6000}, 'Fire Mask');
image:midfireimage.select('MaxFRP', 'FireMask', 'FireMask'),
description: 'MidFire',
folder: 'Corsica_Fire',