I'm trying to create a map widget with multiple layers. The base layer is OSM base map. Upon that, I add two more layers with different CRS. Layer A is added with EPSG:3912. Layer B is added with EPSG:3857 (which is actually WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator). Layer B also has a feature layer that can be queried.
Layer B was generated via ArcGIS Online services from a feature layer.
Layers are added to ol.Map as VectorTileLayers like this:
const layer = new TileLayer()
layer.setSource(new WMTS(async (source: MapServerSource): Promise<WMTSOptions> => {
const wmtsParser: WMTSCapabilities = new WMTSCapabilities();
const response: Response = await fetch(source.url);
const capText: string = await response.text()
const capablilities: any = wmtsParser.read(capText);
const options: WMTSOptions = {
...optionsFromCapabilities(capablilities, {
layer: source.layer,
attributions: [source.copyRight],
return options;
Layer A perfectly aligns with the base layer. But layer B is off for a few meters (maybe 10). It's shifted. If I query layer b feature layer, when the user clicks on the map, the result I get and I render falls approx. 10 m off the point rendered from the TileLayer. If I use the same layer on google maps it's OK. Also if I try to create web-map on ArcGIS Online and use LayerA and LayerB, they both align perfectly.
Any clue what the issue could be?