I am trying to copy the data from one database to another database. Both the source and target tables have 2 geometry columns -- a polygon field and a point field. There are NOT NULL
constraints on both of these columns.
My ogr2ogr command looks like this
ogr2ogr -f "PostgreSQL" -append -update -sql "select polygon_geom, centre_geom, id, category from sourceschema.table1" PG:"dbname=db1 host=host1 port=5432 user=user password=password" PG:"dbname=db2 host=host2 port=5432 user=user password=password" -nln targetschema.table1
However I can't get ogr to recognise the 2 geometry fields. The error i get is:
ERROR 1: ERROR: null value in column "geom" violates not-null constraint
How can I copy this data across my 2 databases properly? Even if I export just one geometry column, the NOT NULL constraint on the other column will still prevent me from inserting data. Or do I just lift the not null constraints for the time I'm transferring data across?
EDIT: The source and target tables are not exact copies of one another - the target table has more columns than the source.
has a-fieldmap
option which is why I initially thought it would be the best choice.\copy (select a,b,c from table1) TO ...
...\copy table2(d,e,f) FROM ...
The names do not have to be the same and you don't have to export/import all columns. The default value will be used for the omitted columns