This question is probably beyond me as I don't completely understand it.
But I have old maps that I georeferenced and exported using QGIS as tiles which I serve on AWS.
I'm using Leaflet which is what Mapbox is based on. I think the following gives a flavor of what I did. I do also have some Mapbox and use the npm
module which includes Leaflet.
var woods1908url = "https://<myRepository>{z}/{x}/{y}.png"
var osmUrl = 'https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png'
var woods1908 = L.tileLayer(woods1908url, { maxZoom:17 })
var osmMap = L.tileLayer(osmUrl)
var baseLayers = {"<span style='color: orange'>OSM Street</span>" : osmMap,
var overlayLayers = {"<span style='color: blue'>1908 Wood</span>" : woods1908,
map ='map', {zoomDelta: 0.25, zoomSnap: 0.25 }).setView([34.05, -118.25], 13);
L.control.layers(null, baseLayers, {collapsed: false}).addTo(map);