VvI have been searching across the interwebs to find an answer to my problem that was answered a decade ago for a much older version of OpenLayers. I am trying to overlay a NWS Radar mosaic on top of an OSM map.
There have been plenty of complications upon the way because of the platforms I am using (mainly NextJS). I am pretty sure I resolved all the issues, but the alignment of my image still does not work.
Below is my constructor from the component that will manage the running of the OpenLayer app:
constructor(props) {
this.state = { center: [-10720000, 4550000], zoom: 4 };
//IMPORTANT: Next.js doesn't work well with openLayer
//SO: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56508322/openlayers-compilation-error-with-react-next
const KML = require("ol/format/KML").default;
const Map = require("ol/Map").default;
const OSM = require("ol/source/OSM").default;
const TileLayer = require("ol/layer/Tile").default;
//const VectorSource = require("ol/source/Vector").default;
//const VectorLayer = require("ol/layer/Vector").default;
const ImageLayer = require("ol/layer/Image").default;
const Static = require("ol/source/ImageStatic").default;
const View = require("ol/View").default;
const Projection = require("ol/proj/Projection").default;
const TransformExtent = require("ol/proj");
//Establish the vector layer for the KML
//SO: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32135596/open-layers-2-12-and-3-kml-groundoverlay-and-screenoverlay-support
//SO: https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/8981/openlayers-all-image-layers-are-out-of-place-on-google-maps-v3-and-osm-base-lay/9014
//SO: https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/13249/reprojecting-base-layers-in-openlayers
//SO: https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/126979/i-cant-get-my-openlayers-radar-overlay-to-display-correctly
//var extent = [-14206635.22, 2469859.05, -7404742.97, 6516996.45]; // [minx,miny,maxx,maxy]
//const extent = [-14206593.415,2205071.940,-7394741.764,6517585.728];
const extentBounds = [-14206635.218164166, 2469859.049484826, -7404742.9730659835, 6516996.454856468]; // [minx,miny,maxx,maxy]
const extent = new TransformExtent.transformExtent(extentBounds, 'EPSG:900913', 'EPSG:3857');
const projection = new Projection({code: 'EPSG:3857', extent:extent});
const radarLayer = new ImageLayer({
source: new Static({
url: 'https://cdn.wxyard.com/splashradar.png',
projection: projection,
imageExtent: extent,
imageSize: [3400,1600]
this.olmap = new Map({
target: null, //Needs to be null for app to initially load
layers: [new TileLayer({source: new OSM()}), radarLayer],
view: new View({
center: this.state.center,
zoom: this.state.zoom
this.componentDidMount = this.componentDidMount.bind(this);
this.updateMap = this.updateMap.bind(this);
this.shouldComponentUpdate = this.shouldComponentUpdate.bind(this);
I went and tried to use the bounds from this exchange link: Source Of Transformed Bounds without using transformExtent
and sticking to EPSG:3857
and the image still didn't line up.
From what I can tell by looking at the code, transformExtent
should work the same as the old bounding processes that I have commented out in the snippet.
Below is a reference to what the image looks like on the map vs an actual radar image of where the reflectivity should be.
Can you provide any ideas or guidance?
OSM Reference
. I will modify my changes this evening. Thanks for your help! Can you make this an answer so I can give you credit plz? Thanks!