Actually.. I have GeoJSON that I send from javascript into controller. My GeoJSON:

    "type": "FeatureCollection",
    "features": [{
        "type": "Feature",
        "geometry": {
            "type": "Point",
            "coordinates": [101.21719328770531, 3.113987284801912]
        "properties": null
    }, {
        "type": "Feature",
        "geometry": {
            "type": "LineString",
            "coordinates": [
                [101.18330230120145, 3.046205311794175],
                [101.13585492009604, 2.985201536087212],
                [101.19008049850223, 2.9174195630794753]
        "properties": null

and then I found this single heterogeneous GEOMETRYCOLLECTION from this link

So, My SQL something like this:

SELECT public.ST_SetSRID(public.ST_Collect(public.ST_GeomFromGeoJSON(feat->>'geometry')), 4326) as geom
      SELECT json_array_elements('{
                     }'::json->'features') AS feat
) AS f;

It can run it ... but, how can I insert this into my column geom in my table by using something like this 'geom' => db::raw("from my sql")?

  • INSERT INTO <your_table> (geom) (<your_query_above>);? Or UPDATE <your_table> SET geom = <your_query_above_without_select> WHERE <you_want_it>;?
    – geozelot
    Commented Sep 25, 2020 at 12:05

1 Answer 1


Actually I already got answer..hahah.. first I send type string only to check type of GeoJson either Point, LineString, or Polygon.. the code something like this:

 $GeoJsonToData = json_decode($req->feature, true);
    $typeFeature = $GeoJsonToData["type"];

after that, Using condition if else to post that geometry into Table postgres db (Point/LineString/Polygon).. My code:

if($typeFeature == 'Point'){

          $savePointData = array(
            'name' => $req->name,
            'details' => $req->details,
            'geom' => \DB::raw("public.ST_SetSRID(public.ST_GeomFromGeoJSON('$req->feature'), 4326)")
          $allDataRekod = DrawPoint::create($savePointData);
          return "DrawSaving";

      else if($typeFeature == 'LineString'){

          $saveLineStringData = array(
            'name' => $req->name,
            'details' => $req->details,
            'geom' => \DB::raw("public.ST_SetSRID(public.ST_GeomFromGeoJSON('$req->feature'), 4326)")
          $allDataRekod = DrawLineString::create($saveLineStringData);
          return "DrawSaving";

      else if($typeFeature == 'Polygon'){

          $savePolygonData = array(
            'name' => $req->name,
            'details' => $req->details,
            'geom' => \DB::raw("public.ST_SetSRID(public.ST_GeomFromGeoJSON('$req->feature'), 4326)")
          $allDataRekod = DrawPolygon::create($savePolygonData);
          return "DrawSaving";


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