I have a line split up into line segments, with each segment having a buffer around that. I’m trying to remove where they overlap (basically where the darker circles are within the line buffer itself), so that when I later mask by buffer it doesn’t have duplicated results.
Anyone know how to remove those overlaps (and ideally keep the land they covered still within ONE buffered area)?
var lines = ee.FeatureCollection(
linetosplit.cutLines(ee.List.sequence(0, linetosplit.length(), 9000))
.map(function (geometry) { return ee.Feature(ee.Geometry(geometry));
var buffered = lines.map(function (feature) {
return feature.buffer(2000);
Link to code: https://code.earthengine.google.com/b6b989b9d0bed22a8882f95bd68d0d4d