I'm creating a standalone PyQGIS application with a function to print a layout with all layers on the existing canvas.
Here is the current code for printing all the layers on canvas onto a layout, and then exporting them into a pdf:
def createLayout(Main):
layers = Main.canvas.layers()
project = QgsProject.instance()
manager = project.layoutManager()
layoutName = 'Layout1'
layouts_list = manager.printLayouts()
for layout in layouts_list:
if layout.name() == layoutName:
layout = QgsPrintLayout(project)
map = QgsLayoutItemMap(layout)
map.setRect(20, 20, 20, 20)
ms = QgsMapSettings()
rect = QgsRectangle(ms.fullExtent())
map.attemptMove(QgsLayoutPoint(5, 20, QgsUnitTypes.LayoutMillimeters))
map.attemptResize(QgsLayoutSize(180, 180, QgsUnitTypes.LayoutMillimeters))
# This exports a Print Layout as an image
layout = manager.layoutByName(layoutName)
# This creates a QgsLayoutExporter object
exporter = QgsLayoutExporter(layout)
# This exports a pdf of the layout object
exporter.exportToPdf('C:\\Users\\seteg\\Desktop\\test\\testPDF.pdf', QgsLayoutExporter.PdfExportSettings())
I was following this tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8tNuzHqK2I and it works for the most part. Problem is, in my canvas, there should be two layers, an shp layer and a tiff layer. The shp file should be on top of the tiff file.
This is the output of print(layers):
[<QgsMapLayer: '0-Boundary' (ogr)>, <QgsMapLayer: '1-1-Slope' (gdal)>]
As mentioned in the API for setLayers:(https://qgis.org/pyqgis/3.0/core/Map/QgsMapSettings.html#qgis.core.QgsMapSettings.setLayers)
"Set list of layers for map rendering. The layers must be registered in QgsProject. The layers are stored in the reverse order of how they are rendered (layer with index 0 will be on top)"
My Boundary Layer is index 0 while Slope layer is index 1 but this is my output:
The tiff layer is on top of the boundary layer.
What is the problem here? I have tried reversing the order of layers by replacing layers with layers[::-1] but to no avail.
EDIT: running print(ms.layerIds()) give me
'0_Boundary_8deaf683_25ea_4413_ba85_9e932b10db32', '1_1_Slope_3b8789a9_8e2c_4d0f_a81f_ce80955bd4ff']
So I do not know why slope layer is on top of boundary.