This is lifted from my GeoNet post asking the same question.

I have FGDB that I am trying to build out for in-the-field surveys through AGO and Collector. Below is a mock diagram of the tables that I am having trouble. FeatureLayer1 is existing features. FeatureLayer2 is newly created features.These are simple, unattributed relationships.

enter image description here

In Pro: If I create a new feature in FeatureLayer2 and then a new record for SharedTable1, everything is saved without issue. If I select a feature in FeatureLayer1 and create a record in Table1 and then a SharedTable1 record, everything is saved without issue. I can even upload the edits done in Pro to AGO and they appear in Collector as expected.

In Collector: If I create a new feature in FeatureLayer2 and then a new record for SharedTable1, when I tell it to submit the record it says, "1 or more attributes failed to submit". If I select a feature in FeatureLayer1 and create a record in Table1 and then a SharedTable1 record, when I tell it to submit the record it says, "1 or more attributes failed to submit".

If I recreate the relationships, like below. All record creation is submitted and works as expected in both Pro and Collector.

enter image description here

Am I forgetting something rather obvious about relationship integrity in the first relationship design; is Pro ignoring something that Collector is catching? Or is there a caveat about using FGDB or Collector with this design?

Also, is there a log for Collector, either in the app or AGO that could help diagnose this problem? "1 or more attributes failed to submit" is an extremely unhelpful error message.

1 Answer 1


Per a response from ESRI support:

ArcGIS Online does not support the use of UUID/GUIDs as a primary key for records.

For RDBMS in ArcSDE, UUIDs can be used but for Portal/AGO you must use a composite key or OIDs

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