As title, does anyone success installed Mask R-CNN in GRASS GIS?

Also, I found a script for updating GRASS GIS in order to use MASK R-CNN as below:

To use environment setting flags like –overwrite, the user has to update his GRASS GIS with the following patch:


    elif var.startswith (b'opt_'):
        options[var[4:]] = val
    elif var in [b'GRASS_OVERWRITE', b'GRASS_VERBOSE']:
-       os.environ[var] = val
+       os.environ[var.decode("utf-8")] = val.decode("utf-8")
        raise SyntaxError("invalid output from g.parser: %s" %line)

How can I update? I'm new to GRASS GIS.


2 Answers 2


These are actually multiple question.

does anyone success installed Mask R-CNN in GRASS GIS?


How can I update?

As @markusN noted in his comment, you can open a pull request at GRASS GIS GitHub repository.

However, the GRASS GIS code snippet you have reported was removed/changed in 2018, in this commit. Upgrading your GRASS GIS to version >= 7.8 should solve the issue (the required GRASS GIS version is mentioned in the documentation of these modules)


better work in linux environment. the Mask R-CNN fail to install in GRASS under window environment.


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