I already have a geojson being consulted and that is plotting these black dots. And then I inserted the leaflet-geoman plugin to give users the freedom to create polygons on the map. Basically draw something there.
For example: Draw a polygon to get only the information inside that polygon.
When using the tool to draw a polygon on the map I wanted to get which black dot is inside the drawing
in short: I have 4 points within my polygon drawing (which does not come from a geojson, the person draws) and I want to get the information from those points that are within that drawn polygon. Each black dot in this one has an id, and I want to know what points are within the space that the person drew.
My geoman-Leaflet code:
position: 'topright',
// drawCircle: false,
drawMarker: false,
drawCircleMarker: false,
drawRectangle: false,
cutPolygon: false,
editPolygon: false,
My black dots on the map code:
wellheads.forEach(function (d) {
d.LatLng = new L.latLng(d.latitude, d.longitude);
const groupWells = g
.attr('pointer-events', 'visible');
const points = groupWells
.attr('class', d => {
if (wellState.selectedWell.guid === d.wellboreGUID) {
return 'redW';
} else {
return 'blackW';
.attr('id', d => `id-${d.wellboreGUID}`)
.attr('r', d => {
if (wellState.selectedWell.guid === d.wellboreGUID) {
return 1.7;
} else {
return 1.0;
, like that how it is in the question. But I'm also not sure. And can you please create the tag [leaflet-geoman], because this is not leaflet-draw. I would do it by myself but I have not enough reputation on GIS SE