GeoServer version 2.18.0 running under Java 1.8.0-131 on a Windows machine.
I am trying to use the GeoServer REST API to seed GeoWebCache. I can get the seed process to commence and can follow its progress using the commands documented. My problem is that I am unable to stop the seeding process once it has started. I have tried the following methods as detailed in the seeding and truncating section of the manual.
- Kill the task for a specific layer. POST command of the form :
The above line returns 400 - bad request
Various attempts to provide some body for the POST also fail. I have tried JSON of the form { seedRequest : { "name" : "MYStore:MYLayer" }} or the equivalent XML.
- Kill all tasks
This returns - Chunk[] is not a valid entry
- Using the kill all option as documented (curl attempt shown)
curl -v -u username:password -d "kill_all=all" "http://localhost:8080/geoserver/gwc/rest/seed"
This returns chunk [] is not a valid entry
I have no difficulty kill the seeding task using the GeoServer web interface.
What am I doing wrong?