I was writing some script and it involved processing a large number of rasters. I hit run and then noticed an parameter I forgot to change.

Is there a way to cancel the script once it has begun so I don't have to either wait for it to finish or close ArcMap?

  • 2
    If the script is run within the geoprocessing framework, and checks are done in the app for the cancel button being pushed, then you can handle this gracefully. If it's a standalone Idle (or other IDE) interpreter, then a break might work. After that you're falling back to killing the Python interpreter or Desktop session. I try always add a check for a "stop.now" file at the top of my list processing (if os.path.exists('stop.now'): break), so I have a graceful way to exit long-running loops.
    – Vince
    Commented Mar 10, 2021 at 19:23
  • 2
    It's possible if you are using progressor bar.
    – FelixIP
    Commented Mar 10, 2021 at 19:33

1 Answer 1


I recommend following the advice of @Vince:

If the script is run within the geoprocessing framework, and checks are done in the app for the cancel button being pushed, then you can handle this gracefully. If it's a standalone Idle (or other IDE) interpreter, then a break might work. After that you're falling back to killing the Python interpreter or Desktop session. I try always add a check for a "stop.now" file at the top of my list processing (if os.path.exists('stop.now'): break), so I have a graceful way to exit long-running loops.

or that of @FelixIP:

It's possible if you are using progressor bar.

I have not tested but I think both would work.

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