I've been trying to add a new property to a vector layer named SERVICE, this property should be a string. I am able to create this property no problem, and the type is stated to be QString in layer properties.
However, when I then open the feature attributes window to edit this property on a feature, the field appears and acts as an Integer, accepting only numbers and showing the adjustment arrows.
This strange behaviour disappears if I change the name of the attribute, even if I change it simply to "Service". For some reason the all caps version of this name seems to cause the field to act as an integer, even though it remains registered as a string in the layer properties.
I'd be interested to see if others are able to reproduce this behaviour, and if anyone knows why it is the case.
, formatted as string, and add text to it, using a layer saved as Geopackage. Please add some information: how is your layer saved? In your first screenshot, the field has a length of0
: that might be a problem.