I'm trying to transfer the Modis_Sinusoidal projection to the WGS84 projection in the Google Earth Engine. But I failed. I want to know how to solve it.
var bp = ee.FeatureCollection("users/miaohu828/bankment_polygon"),
modisLandcover = ee.ImageCollection("MODIS/006/MCD12Q1");
Map.setCenter(116.05380098858659, 30.63744097417238, 6);
var filtered2018 = modisLandcover.filter(
ee.Filter.date('2018-01-01', '2018-12-31'))
var landcover2018 = ee.Image(filtered2018.first())
var classified2018 = landcover2018.select('LC_Type1')
// The input image has a SR-ORG:6974 (sinusoidal) projection.
// Operations *before* the reproject call will be done in the projection
// specified by reproject(). The output results in another reprojection.
var reprojected = classified2018
.unitScale(-2000, 10000)
.reproject('EPSG:4326', null, 500);
var visParams = {min: 1, max: 17};