I need to perform something similar to the ArcGIS tool for neighbourhood analysis (Toolbox>Spatial Analyst Tools>Neighorhood>Focal Statistics).
But for nearest neighbor in QGIS I need a point layer but I have just a raster TIFF. This is what I did so far:
I created a raster out of village polygons with value 1 for village and value 0 for novillage (via r.null). Now I want to know which and how many rastercells with novillage value (0) have one or several rastercells with village value (1) in a radius of 1500 m. If I need to convert the TIFF to a point layer, there are two questions: How to do it? How to keep the boundaries of my 25x25m grid if I tranform the grid to a point layer?
Please keep in mind I am quite new to QGIS.
I have QGIS Hanover 3.16 on a Linux Mint installed.