I have created generated a many-to-many shortest distance route using pgRouting. The output table displays the typical pgRouting outputs (seq, path_seq, edge, node, cost
etc.) as well as the road network attributes (gid, road number, road name, function, class
If I export this table into Excel, I can create a pivot table to view the number of edges traversed for each road name as shown below
I think I can use this script to view number of edges traversed by road name. However, how would I join this back onto the road network, i.e. join onto fixed_Roads where fixed_road.gid = edges?
SELECT name1,
FROM array_trips
Output example:
"Aberdeen Road" "748"
"Addison Road" "79"
"Aiken Street" "53"
"Albert Crescent" "901"
"Albert Parade" "2"
"Albert Road" "2911"
s pername1
(into an array, or concatenated string), as you are effectively counting them into groups (pername1
); is that the desired output?