I currently am working on creating a choropleth map of population redistribution data, and would like to stack three layers on top of each other.
First, a simple basemap-- I chose to use a Cartro Blank Basemap, imported through the XYZ Tiles link function, to show basic coastlines and simple road maps. Second, I created a choropleth map with color coded zip codes based on population data (I have finished this step, and successfully overlayed it as shown below.)
The final layer I would like to add is a set of location labels similar to Google Maps' scaled location names - it would show more detailed town names and local labelling as you zoom in, but on a larger scale all you would see is labels for major cities / states. Are there any layers available which only contain location labels, and not an actual map? Or any where I can separate the map from the labels in order to accomplish this "stacked" appearance?