With QGIS 3.22 the GRASS algorithms got its own provider (grassprovider.Grass7AlgorithmProvider) and are no more part of processing.algs. Knowing this, in a standalone pyqgis-script I am trying to add the GRASS algs to the processingRegistry with QgsApplication.processingRegistry().addProvider(Grass7AlgorithmProvider()).

If I am now trying to run a GRASS alg, e.g. processing.run("grass7:v.dissolve", ...) I get

_core.QgsProcessingException: Error: Algorithm grass7:v.dissolve not found

When I then list all the registered algs

for alg in QgsApplication.processingRegistry().algorithms():
    print("{}:{} --> {}".format(alg.provider().name(), alg.name(), alg.displayName()))

I get (after the entries of GDAL algs) a list of blank entries:

: -->
: -->
: -->
: -->

Obviously the GRASS algs are registered, but with no provider name and with no alg name resulting that I can't call the algs.

Is there anything I am doing wrong or I s it a bug?


1 Answer 1


My current setup for the Windows command line:

call "C:\Program Files\QGIS 3.36.1\OSGeo4W.bat"
call "C:\Program Files\QGIS 3.36.1\bin\python-grass83.bat" -c ""
call "C:\Program Files\QGIS 3.36.1\bin\python-qgis.bat" -c ""
python file.py

Content of file.py:

import os
import sys

qgis_root_path = r"C:\Program Files\QGIS 3.36.1"
sys.path.append(os.path.join(qgis_root_path, "apps\qgis\python\plugins"))

from qgis.core import *

QgsApplication.setPrefixPath(qgis_root_path, True)

qgs = QgsApplication([], False)

import processing
from processing.core.Processing import Processing


for alg in QgsApplication.processingRegistry().algorithms():
    if (alg.id().startswith("grass")):
        print(alg.id(), "->", alg.displayName())

# processing.run("grass:<algorithm.name>", {})



grass:g.extension.list -> g.extension.list
grass:g.extension.manage -> g.extension.manage
grass:g.version -> g.version

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