I have 2 ee.FeatureCollections
in GEE. The first is a square grid polygon layer. The second is a polygon layer made up of multiple irregular rectangles that overlap with one another. I want to count the number of times each grid square intersects with the rectangles and export this result as a Shapefile. I am used to performing spatial joins in QGIS, ArcGIS and R but would like to do it in GEE. However, I am facing some problems related to understanding the function of several code segments.
Here is a graphic demonstrating what I intend to achieve.
I was trying to work this out by following closely with the GEE tutorial on Spatial Joins but I am running into some errors which I am unsure how to solve. Primarily, I am unsure what to define in the code lines 31 (on 'matchesKey
') and 44 (on 'grid.get
') as I haven't yet understood their functions. After several failed attempts, I am wondering if I should be using another approach instead, for e.g. via ee.Geometry.Polygon.intersection().
Here is the link to my code (with the assets shared publicly) and the code appended in this thread too.
Purpose of script:
For each grid square, count the number of times it intersects with another Feature Collection,
and return the count value as a new property
// Load square grid layer
var grid = ee.FeatureCollection('users/jjohanness1992/SpatialJoin/grid');
print('1st grid square',grid.first());
// Load polygon layer
var rectangles = ee.FeatureCollection('users/jjohanness1992/SpatialJoin/rectangles');
print('1st rectangle',rectangles.first());
// Inspect in map
// Define spatial filter that controls the intersection of geometries
var spatialFilter = ee.Filter.intersects({
leftField: '.geo',
rightField: '.geo',
maxError: 0.01
// Define a save all join
var saveAllJoin = ee.Join.saveAll({
matchesKey: 'id', // I'm not sure what I should put here in matchesKey: 'XXX'
// **********
/* Here I get the following error message:
Error: Invalid property type: Property id has type List<Object>. (Error code: 3)
// **********
// Apply the join
var intersectJoined = saveAllJoin.apply(grid, rectangles, spatialFilter);
// Count number of firepix in a grid and set as a property
intersectJoined = intersectJoined.map(function(grid) {
var nRectangles = ee.List(grid.get('id')).size(); // I'm not sure what to put in grid.get('XXX')
return grid.set('nCount',nRectangles);
// Export
collection: intersectJoined,
folder: '00_pilot',
fileFormat: 'SHP'