I'm attempting to write a Python script that finds all of the .mxd files in my local directories, imports them into a blank .aprx, and then saves them as an .aprx file.
I'm able to successfully locate the files and import them into a blank project, but somewhere along the line several of the .mxds are getting saved into one .aprx when I want one .mxd per .aprx file. For example, I want MXD1 to save into APRX1, but what is happening is MXD1, MXD2, and MXD3 are all being saved into APRX1.
My script is pasted below -
import os
import pathlib
import arcpy
ogDir = input('Directory to search for .mxds: ')
dirContents = os.listdir(ogDir)
aprx = arcpy.mp.ArcGISProject(r'C:\Users\M\Documents\mxd_test\blank\blank.aprx')
for folder_path, subfolders, filenames in os.walk(ogDir):
for file in filenames:
if file[-4:] == '.mxd':
filePath = pathlib.Path(folder_path) / file
mxd = file[:-4]
aprx.saveACopy(folder_path + '\\' + mxd + '.aprx')