I am quite new to GIS and even newer to SPOT as an image source. In general, all of the other sources I have used for analysis (Landsat 7 & 8, Sentinel-2) have been corrected to BOA reflectance prior to use. However, I can't find any methodology for doing the same for SPOT 6/7. Is it possible/advisable?

1 Answer 1


You could have a look at the ESA archive for Spot. The processing stage depends one the data product you use and which is not defined in your question. The Spot product palette is very rich and ranges from panchromatic over mulit-spectral to panchromatic sharpened multi-spectral products.

The SPOTMaps 2.5 dataset for example has cite: "SPOTMaps 2.5 is a dataset providing nationwide or regional seamless coverage, orthorectified, derived from colour imagery acquired by SPOT 5. It is available over more than 110 countries, representing a total of more than 95 million km2. The dataset has a resolution of 2.5 metres and it is composed by level 2A data with radiometric correction identical to that of level 1A.".

At the bottom if the WEB page you will find a link called SPOT 6&7 Imagery User Guide Product Specification.

Another overview for older SPOT products can be found at the Office for Outer Space Affairs in the UN-SPIDER Knowledge Portal -- SPOT Imagery (CNES).

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