I added a Google hybrid tiles layer in my QGIS project. I set the project CRS from this layer. I then exported an image of KRZL runways.
$ file KRZL.png
KRZL.png: PNG image data, 245 x 412, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced
Vertically, the image just captures runway 18/36 which is 4000 feet or 1219 m long. I measured it in QGIS to verify this.
Knowing the runway length, I calculate (1219/412) that each pixel represents just under 3 meters (vertically, at least).
$ cat KRZL.pgw
How can I accurately calculate the meters/pixel from this data instead of using a known reference? At first, I naively assumed that yscale (-3.91571999999637521) was what I wanted, but obviously it's substantially different.
(My end goal is to automate importing such images in FreeCAD. For that, I need to know the image's size in meters.)