I have a question regarding adding functionality to QField.
I'm currently doing a school project, where the customer involved would like to have a functionality to QField, where basically by tapping a geometry, a sort of form would pop out where one could add observations about a geometry. The observations would include things such as when, where and by whom the observation was made, also there should be a place where one could choose what they observed from a set list of choices.
Basically I could add to a point layer various observations and do many of this stuff, but since the customer would need the system to be as fast and easy as possible and would like the data to be entered by tapping a geometry and then tied to that geometry, this way of making things apparently isn't simple and fast enough for them.
I don't know if it would be possible to program something like this to QField, or if there already exists a way to do this. Can you provide any kind of hint as to what direction I should take or what I should research, etc.? I can't seem to find much information about the subject.