I have a tif file of the lowest temperature measured the last 21 years (21 bands of floats) over Europe. I would like to calculate the lower 5th percentile value for each pixel and create a new tif file consisting of one band with the lowest 5th percentile. I know how to calculate the mean and the median for the pixels with calc
, but I do not know how to do it for the 5th percentile.
Here is the script
stacked <- stack("D:/snowmelt/snowmelt/daily/googledeveloper/new/temp_EU.tif")
stacked.mean <- calc(stacked, fun = mean)
stacked.median <- calc(stacked, fun = median)
stacked.lowperc <-calc(stacked, fun = quantile(0.05)) #This does not work
Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable) :
unable to find an inherited method for function ‘calc’ for signature ‘"RasterStack", "numeric"
The last part of the script does not yield a map of the lower 5th percentile. How can I do that?