I'm working in an undergraduate project and just started using Google Earth Engine. Firstly, I need to filter some Sentinel-2 MSI images that cover my area of interest (a watershed with 55 km²) from 2016 to 2022 (the idea is to get one image per month).
So far, I've applied several filters. I noticed that the QA60 band for the 2022 images is not working properly, so I decided to use the Cloud Probability collection for analysing cloud coverage.
After applying the function get_cloud_percent()
, which I created to analyze the cloud band within my area of interest and add the information to the metadata, I got unable to get the metadata as a list using my_dataset.getInfo()
. It works just fine before the application of get_cloud_percent()
. But the execution of the last line of the code bellow returns the following error: EEException: computation timed out
Could anyone point out what I'm doing wrong?
I've coded in Python, as follows:
# Uploading the shapefile
lc_shape = gpd.read_file('lc_bh/bacia_LC.shp')
print(f'\nShapefile CRS is {lc_shape.crs}')
# Conversion of CRS to WGS84
lc_shape = lc_shape.to_crs(epsg=4326)
print(f'\nShapefile CRS converted to {lc_shape.crs}')
# Selection of the feature of interest
lc_shape = lc_shape.geometry[0][2]
# Extraction of the contours
# Coordinates are generated in pairs
lc_ext_coords = lc_shape.exterior.coords
# A tuple is generated to store a list of latitudes and a list of longitudes
lc_ext_coords = lc_ext_coords.xy
# Coordinates grouped in pairs (each pair latlong forms a list)
lc_ext_coords = np.dstack(lc_ext_coords).tolist()
# Creation of a ee.Feature with the external coordinates
lc_geometry = ee.Geometry.Polygon(lc_ext_coords)
# Initial and final dates
DATE_I, DATE_F = '2016-01-01', '2022-03-31'
# Sentinel 2 Harmonized data
# Filter: by date
# Filter: by bounds (select the images that touch the geometry)
dataset_1 = ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S2_HARMONIZED')\
.filterDate(DATE_I, DATE_F).filterBounds(lc_geometry)
# Filter: images must contain the area of interest
dataset_2 = dataset_1.filter(ee.Filter.contains('.geo', lc_geometry))
# Filter: the images must have a proper general quality
dataset_3 = dataset_2.filter(
ee.Filter.Or(ee.Filter.eq('GENERAL_QUALITY', 'PASSED'),
# Cloud Probability data
cloud_prob_data = ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S2_CLOUD_PROBABILITY')\
.filterDate(DATE_I, DATE_F).filterBounds(lc_geometry)
# The cloud probability band is added to the image dataset considering
# metadata matches
dataset_4 = dataset_3.combine(cloud_prob_data)
# Function used on the processing
# Used because the values are quite low
def scale_dict(key, value):
This function takes an ee.Dictionary and multiply its values
by a factor of 1e4 and rounds it to the nearest integer
return ee.Number(value).multiply(1e4).round()
# Function to be mapped over the collection
def get_cloud_percent(image):
This function calculates the cloud cover proportion at the geometry and
adds it to the metadata as a new attribute called cloudiness, whose values
are multiplied by a factor of 1e4
# Selection of cloud probability band
# Clouds assumed as pixels with probability >= 70%
# It is assigned 1 to the selected pixels and 0 to the others
cloud_band = image.select(['probability']).gte(70)
# Generation of cloud proportion
# Since the values are just 0 e 1, the mean is equal to the proportion
# A ee.Dictionary is generated with a key renamed to "cloudiness"
# The proportion (not the percentage) is multiplied by 1e4 and rounded
cloud_percent = cloud_band.reduceRegion(**{
'scale':10}).rename(['probability'], ['CLOUDINESS'], True)\
# Information added to metadata
return image.set(cloud_percent)
# Function mapped over the collection
# Filter: election of images with cloudiness <= 1% (0.01x1e4)
dataset_5 = dataset_4.map(get_cloud_percent)\
.filter(ee.Filter.lte('CLOUDINESS', 0.01*1e4))
# Get list of metadata
info_list = dataset_5.getInfo()