I am a beginner with GIS software and I'm working on QGIS.

I have a problem joining the spatial layers. I have a layer with objects in one city and another layer with the streets. I need to attach each object to its street.

I try to join attributes by location but I have not been able because it does not take into account the objects that are on the edge of the street (the roundabouts and bridges).

So how can I make a join between a point and a layer of layer lines using the closest distance by QGIS.


2 Answers 2


v.distance in GRASS can be used for this, but since v.distance currently does not work in QGIS processing, I have made a QGIS plugin called NNJoin that does nearest neighbour spatial joins. The result of the join is a new layer that includes the attributes from both of the input layers and adds a new attribute with the nearest neighbour distance. The plugin is available in the QGIS plugin repository.


You can also make use of the NNJoin plugin. It was recently updated and you can download the plugin via the Plugin Tools. It's very straightforward, and fast:

enter image description here

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