Left side is the local host by using the command

tileserver-gl-light -b -p 8009 --mbtiles something16.mbtiles

http://localhost:8009/data/openmaptiles/#18/3.95245/101.03776, then right side is the dev

The mbtiles looks good (left hand side), but when I applied to the dev (right hand side), there is a missing part. Does the tileserver-gl-light got the limit area to show up?

Any ideas?

enter image description here

2 Answers 2


The Tileserver GL has been replaced by MapTiler Server and it is no longer supported by MapTiler...


Two things you can check:

  • the bounds in the config.py for your style. if the tile does not fit the bounds it won't show

    "styles": { "your_style": { "style": "/styles/your_style.json", "tilejson": { "type": "overlay", "bounds": [6.7499552751, 36.619987291, 18.4802470232, 47.1153931748] } },

  • If you have used geometric simplifications with tools like tippecanoe, disable them and regenerate the mbtiles served bu the tileserver

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