I am trying to color a GeoTIFF file and convert it to PNG. Several thread (1, 2) have pointed the gdaldem function. Here I am now porting the function to Python. Using the documentation, I can pass DEMProcessingOptions to DEMProcessing.

How do I pass the DEMProcessingOptions object to DEMProcessing correctly? I have this on my code:

from osgeo import gdal

src_ds = gdal.Open('./example.tif')
options = gdal.DEMProcessingOptions(colorFilename='./color_ramp.txt', format='PNG')
ds = gdal.DEMProcessing('./example_converted.png', src_ds, processing='color-relief', options)

I get the error:

Cell In [7], line 3 ds = gdal.DEMProcessing('./example_converted.png', src_ds, processing='color-relief', options) ^ SyntaxError: positional argument follows keyword argument

If I remove the variable names in the function:

ds = gdal.DEMProcessing('./example_converted.png', src_ds, 'color-relief', options)

It would error:

TypeError: DEMProcessing() takes 3 positional arguments but 4 were given

  • 1
    the error says to pass the keyword to a positional argument, try pass something like options=options Commented Feb 9, 2023 at 10:30
  • Thank you @MarcoReliquias.
    – Nikko
    Commented Feb 9, 2023 at 10:42
  • 1
    it works? if works tell me to write a answer to you flag as correct Commented Feb 9, 2023 at 10:43
  • Yes, it worked @MarcoReliquias.
    – Nikko
    Commented Feb 9, 2023 at 10:46
  • please flag as correted answer, thanks :) Commented Feb 9, 2023 at 13:13

1 Answer 1


The error thrown, indicates that you need to name the parameters with the correct keywords. try passing the options with this keyword:

from osgeo import gdal

src_ds = gdal.Open('./example.tif')
options = gdal.DEMProcessingOptions(colorFilename='./color_ramp.txt', format='PNG')
ds = gdal.DEMProcessing('./example_converted.png', src_ds, processing='color-relief', options=options)

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