I am attempting to clip an ImageCollection in GEE, but I keep getting the error
"Unable to transform edge (43200.000000, 1.476288 to 43200.000000, 1.477361) from SR-ORG:6974 PLANAR [926.625433055833, 0.0, -2.0015109354E7, 0.0, -926.6254330558334, 1.0007554677003E7] to EPSG:4326."
Below is my code that I am working with. The main function (evi) obtains the necessary images and returns a list of images, each with a number of bands. The list is then cast to an ImageCollection, which I then try to clip using the last function (us_clip). The clip returns the error noted above. In testing, when I use us_clip on an ImageCollection that hasn't been through the evi function below, it is successful.
Can you provide some guidance on clipping the resulting ImageCollection?
var geompoly = ee.Geometry.Polygon(
[[[-130.2328, 52.851],
[-63.6722, 52.851],
[-63.6722, 21.7423],
[-130.2328, 21.7423]]], null, false);
var myList = ee.List.sequence(1,12); //months
function evi(month){
//get mask images
var modis_mask = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/061/MOD13A2') //modis terra 16-day mask
.select('SummaryQA') //select mask band
.filter(ee.Filter.calendarRange(2009,2018,'year')) //filter for years 2009-2018
.filter(ee.Filter.calendarRange(month, month, 'month')) //filter on month
.toBands() //imgcoll -> image
.eq(0); //0 = Good data, Use with confidence
//get evi images
var modis_evi = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/061/MOD13A2') //modis terra 16-day evi
.select('EVI') //select evi band
.filter(ee.Filter.calendarRange(2009,2018,'year')) //filter for years 2009-2018
.filter(ee.Filter.calendarRange(month, month, 'month')) //filter on month
.toBands() //imgcoll -> image
.updateMask(modis_mask); //mask lesser quality pixels
var bands = modis_evi.bandNames(); //get band names
//function to go from image w/ bands -> list of images
function bands2imglst(bandnames) {
return modis_evi.select([bandnames]);
var list = bands.map(bands2imglst); //create list of images
var collection = ee.ImageCollection.fromImages(list) //list of images -> imgcoll
.toBands(); //imgcoll -> img w/ bands
//execute function
var modis_evi_result = myList.map(evi); //returns list of images w/ bands
var modis_evi_coll = ee.ImageCollection(modis_evi_result); //list -> image collection
//funtion to clip images w/in imgcoll
function us_clip(imgcol) {
var manip_img = imgcol.clip(geompoly);
return manip_img;
var clipped = modis_evi_coll.map(us_clip);