I would like to convert coordinates from two different CRS on R with the package sf
From | To | |
Ellipsoid | GRS80 | HAYFORD24 |
Projection | None | LAMBERT [1972] |
Coordinates | GEOGRAPHIC | PLANE |
Unit | degree+minute | meter |
The conversion from data with degree to meter works properly with this code :
d = st_as_sf(d, coords=c("lon","lat"), crs="EPSG:4258" )
dt = st_transform(d, "EPSG:31370")
However, when I use it with degree + minutes, I obtain empty points...
(As example, a point with lat: 536.1314 and long: 4943.265 should give an output of x: 229332.264 y: 525235.654)
The problematic dataset:
d <- structure(list(lat = c(4943.26460468966, 4943.264349, 4943.264298,
4943.26419, 4943.26397666667, 4943.2637825), lon = c(536.131357103448,
536.1306775, 536.13063, 536.13047, 536.130253333333, 536.1299975
), z = c(400.473048275862, 400.2688, 400.183, 400.08975, 399.863333333333,
399.82925)), row.names = c(NA, 6L), class = "data.frame")
I am also joining an example of data also in ETRS89 but which is working properly (in degree):
d <- structure(list(name = c("12112", "12201", "12202", "12203", "12208",
"12209"), lat = c(50.0855877916667, 50.0855997333333, 50.0856167121212,
50.0856117666667, 50.0856332380952, 50.0855853833333), lon = c(4.55540004166667,
4.55512903333333, 4.55519089393939, 4.5551871, 4.55524742857143,
4.55543285), id = c("12112", "12201", "12202", "12203", "12208",
"12209")), row.names = c(NA, 6L), class = "data.frame")
I do not know how to signify the sf::st_as_sf()
, I am in degree + minutes
As example, a point with lat: 536.1314 and long: 4943.265 should give an output of x: 238942.84 y: 46236.164 (using the software cConvert)