I have a model that does some tidying of attributes in vector layers that are stored in a geopackage. The geopackage to work with is specified with a file path input (@survey_data_package) Therefore the input layers to work on can be set using the "pre-calculated value" option and an expression like this
@survey_data_package || '|layername=TheLayerToWorkOn'
When I specify the output layer if I follow the same expression (such as below) it doesn't work - I suspect this is something to do with creating a new layer/table.
@survey_data_package || '|layername=TheLayerToSaveOutputTo'
If I manually set the geopackage and layer name the string looks like this
ogr:dbname='FilePath/Geopackage.gpkg' table="TheLayerToSaveOutputTo" (geom)
So I was hoping an expression like the one below would allow me to use a "pre-calculated value" and insert the date etc and standardise the file name. I have tried various possibilities like having the output table name as "myoutput"
or myoutput
'ogr:dbname=' ||
' table=' ||
'myoutput' ||