I'm wondering why I get some null values after .reduceRegion() and reducer.group().
I'm extracting daily surface temperature values for many lakes (~400,000) from Landsat images during 1985-2021. The traditional way to do this is performing .reduceRegions() and reducer.mean() to all lake shapefiles. However, this method would be incredibly time-comsuming because of the complex boundary of lakes. For example, it took me 10~50 minutes to extract surface temperature for 130,000 lakes on one day. So I decided to first convert lake shapefiles to raster, with a new band called "Hylak_id" added to Landsat images, which indicates the lake id of each pixel. Then I performed zonal statistics according to this tutorial (https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/guides/reducers_grouping). But the result is null for many lakes. In the code below I presented two examples: tmpid = 1 (valid surface temperature) and tmpid = 1403425 (null). The weird thing is, if I computed .reduceRegions with the geometry of the lake 1403425, a valid surface temperature could be computed. I'm new to GEE and very confused about this.
Code editor link (I have shared my data): https://code.earthengine.google.com/dadb0c84bc013c8e8fd23c40f530d07a
// Two examples
var tmpid = 1403425
// var tmpid = 1
// Convert lake shapefile to raster
var lake_img = lakelist.filterMetadata('Hylak_id','equals',tmpid).reduceToImage({
properties: ['Hylak_id'],
reducer: ee.Reducer.first()
var lake_mask = lake_img.gt(0)
// Read Landsat 5
var l5t1 = ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LT05/C02/T1_L2').select(["QA_PIXEL", "ST_B6"])
// Create mask
var water = ee.Image('JRC/GSW1_4/GlobalSurfaceWater').select("occurrence").gte(90)
var water = water.updateMask(water.neq(0))
// A function to remove cloud, snow, and non-lake pixels, and add Hylak_id
function prep(img) {
// remove cloud/snow and assign Hylak_id
var systime = img.get('system:time_start')
var qa = img.select(["QA_PIXEL"])
var cloud1 = qa.bitwiseAnd(2).eq(0)
var cloud3 = qa.bitwiseAnd(8).eq(0)
var cloudshadow = qa.bitwiseAnd(16).eq(0)
var snow = qa.bitwiseAnd(32).eq(0)
var cloud_confid = qa.rightShift(8).bitwiseAnd(3).lt(2)
var cloudsh_confid = qa.rightShift(10).bitwiseAnd(3).lt(2)
var snow_confid = qa.rightShift(12).bitwiseAnd(3).lt(2)
var cirrus_confid = qa.rightShift(14).bitwiseAnd(3).lt(2)
var updated = (img.updateMask(cloud1)
return updated
// Mosaic all images in the same day
function mosaicByDate(imcol){
// imcol: An image collection
// returns: An image collection
var imlist = imcol.toList(imcol.size())
var unique_dates = imlist.map(function(im){
return ee.Image(im).date().format("YYYY-MM-dd")
var mosaic_imlist = unique_dates.map(function(d){
d = ee.Date(d)
var im = imcol
.filterDate(d, d.advance(1, "day"))
return im.set(
"system:time_start", d.millis(),
"system:id", d.format("YYYY-MM-dd"))
return ee.ImageCollection(mosaic_imlist)
// Compute lake surface water temperature
function cal_lswt(img) {
var lswt = img.select(['ST_B6']).multiply(0.00341802).add(149).add(-273.15).rename('surface_temp')
return img.addBands(lswt)
// Choose one day for tests
var lswt = mosaicByDate(l5t1.filterDate('2002-06-10','2002-06-11').map(prep)).map(cal_lswt).select(['surface_temp', 'Hylak_id'])
var tmp_img = ee.Image(lswt.toList(lswt.size()).get(0))
var result = tmp_img.reduceRegion({
reducer: ee.Reducer.mean().repeat(1).group({
groupField: 1,
groupName: 'Hylak_id'
geometry: ee.Geometry.BBox(-180, -90, 180, 90), // I use a global geometry because I'd like to compute zonal statistics around the globe.
crs: 'EPSG:4326',
scale: 30,
bestEffort: true,
tileScale: 16,})
// Result using the reducer.group()
// Result using the traditional way
reducer: ee.Reducer.mean(),
geometry: lakelist.filterMetadata('Hylak_id','equals',tmpid),
scale: 30,
bestEffort: true,
tileScale: 16
// Show images
Map.addLayer(lake_img, null, 'Raster of lake polygon')
var vs_params = {
min: 2,
max: 49,
palette: [
'000080', '0000d9', '4000ff', '8000ff', '0080ff', '00ffff', '00ff80',
'80ff00', 'daff00', 'ffff00', 'fff500', 'ffda00', 'ffb000', 'ffa400',
'ff4f00', 'ff2500', 'ff0a00', 'ff00ff'
Map.addLayer(tmp_img.select('surface_temp'), vs_params, 'Landsat 5')
var styling={color:'red', fillColor:'00000000'}
Map.addLayer(lakelist.filterMetadata('Hylak_id','equals', tmpid).style(styling), null, 'Lake polygon')